6.6 Recommendations

6.6.1 Recommendations for PUMA

PUMA should create a Cultural Resources Committee to develop and monitor cultural resource management projects.

The Cultural Resources Committee should organize and compile a formal cultural resources data base for the Planning Area.

PUMA should request "interested party" status on historic projects undertaken by Boulder County, the Forest Service, or Denver Water in the Planning Area.

PUMA should establish a formal oral and written history program with senior members of the community who are knowledgeable about Planning Area history. PUMA should also assist with the dissemination of these histories.

PUMA should support proactive relationships and promote cultural resource education, particularly with respect to implementing local landmarking of qualified structures on private land, and management of cultural resources on all lands within the Planning Area.

Through development of partnerships, PUMA should complete a comprehensive prehistoric cultural resource file and literature review of the Planning Area. Based upon this information, future field work may be developed by interested parties.

To support cooperative relationships and promote cultural resource education, a public relations packet should be created that provides an overview of cultural resources and preservation needs in the Planning Area.

6.6.2 Recommendations for Boulder County

Work with PUMA on implementing local landmark status of qualified cultural resources in the Planning Area.

Work with PUMA and other interested parties to complete a comprehensive prehistoric cultural resource file and literature review of the Planning Area.

6.6.3 Recommendations for the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests

Complete determinations of eligibility for the NRHP for all known, qualified cultural resources within the Planning Area. Nominate to the Register all eligible sites.

Develop management plans for those resources that have been determined eligible for the NRHP.

Work with PUMA and other interested parties to complete a comprehensive prehistoric cultural resource file and literature review of the Planning Area.

6.6.4 Denver Water

Complete determinations of eligibility for the NRHP for all known, qualified cultural resources within the Planning Area. Nominate to the Register all eligible sites.

Develop management plans for those resources that have been determined eligible for the NRHP.

Work with PUMA and other interested parties to complete a comprehensive prehistoric cultural resource file and literature review of the Planning Area.