Appendix 9.1 Contacts

Colorado State Patrol
Boulder County Division
Records: 303-469-1966

Dan Hershman
Road Maintenance
Boulder County Transportation Department
phone: 303-441-3962

Clark Misner
Transportation Planning
Boulder County Transportation Department
phone: 303-441-3900

Mike Thomas
Boulder County Transportation Engineer
phone: 303-441-3900
(same traffic records as Colorado State Patrol and all non-computerized records prior to 1990)

University of Kansas Transportation Center
2011 Learned Hall
Lawrence Hall
Lawrence KS, 66045
phone: 913-864-5658
(traffic data and road research)

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Washington, D.C
phone: 800-934-8517
Center for Statistics and Analysis (local division in Lakewood, CO)
phone: 303-969-6917.