9.6 Vision Statement and Desired Future Conditions

Vision Statement

PUMA desires a safe and efficient public road system that also protects and enhances the key characteristics of the neighborhood and minimizes impacts to environmental quality. Impacts in this context not only include direct impacts to the neighborhood and environment from road construction and maintenance, but especially secondary or off-site impacts such as increased recreational use of the Planning Area and encouragement of through traffic.

Desired Future Conditions
  1. The MEPP Plan recommends that Magnolia Road be managed as a residential collector to the local access roads that serve the residences and established recreation sites within the Study Area.. For the time being, this includes leaving Magnolia Road and County Road 97 unpaved in order to perserve the rural character of the neighborhood.
  2. Commuters living to the south and west of the MEPP Study Area should be encouraged to use State Highway 199 (Peak-to-Peak Highway and Boulder Canyon) and State Highway 72 (Coal Creek Canyon), rather than Magnolia Road. This is primarily attained by making the necessary improvements to these highways to enhance their arterial status and function.
  3. Discourage use of County Road 97 for through traffic.